On-Chain Score
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Last updated
On-Chain Score is our programmatic score for ranking and provide simple, numeric answer to question: how on-chain this NFT is?
Score | Classification | Explanation |
The algorithm we use to calculate on-chain score, is the public version of our current best guess of how to assess "on-chainness" of an NFT. Although we attempt to keep the scoring algorithm as stable, predictable and unchanged as possible, we reserve to right to change it if necessary. Current version of the algorithm works roughly as follows:
If metadata is on-chain
Add 1 point
If the artwork only has a thumbnail-capable image on-chain:
Add 4 points
If the artwork has other kind of media on-chain:
Add 3 points
If the artwork has a thumbnail-capable image
Add 1 point
We understand that the terms on-chain and fully on-chain are very overloaded. And that there are - legitimately - different interpretations of what consists of an on-chain artwork and what does not. We take a pragmatic approach: if you have a copy of the given blockchain, then you must be able to use its runtime to get a copy of the art.
Consequently, and in particular, calldata based art is currently not scored as being on-chain by our algorithm.
Off-chain NFT
Both metadata and art are off-chain
Metadata On-Chain
Metadata is on-chain, but art itself is off-chain
2 - 3
Partially On-Chain
Some parts of the NFT are on-chain, but some off-chain data is needed to display the artwork
Fully On-Chain
Both metadata and art are fully on-chain, but thumbnails shown in apps and marketplaces may be off-chain based
Fully On-Chain
Both metadata and art are fully on-chain, including thumbnails shown in apps and marketplaces